Campaign 14 – School Bag Collection Drive

Campaign 14 – School Bag Collection Drive
Educare, Sociocare

With a slogan of “Bag to School” – Gift Elves organized school bag collection drive across eight locations in Bangalore as well as in one location in Dubai. This drive was open for first three weeks of April. We successfully collected 350 School bags along with Note books, stationery and other school items. The volunteers for this drive – Dr. Arundathi, Parika, Bhavna (Dubai). Special thanks to Mr. G. R. Anand. The beneficiaries of this collection drive –

  • Sarthak Foundation, Lucknow
  • Mitra Foundation, Sulikunte
  • Snehalaya, Ahmednagar
  • Sarthak Seva Sangh, Saswad
  • Government Schools, Bangalore rural
  • Swakshatra, Bangalore