Gift Elves Process


We strongly believe is a process driven approach for sustained and successful completion of all our projects.

Our six steps process involves:

  1. Authenticate the operations of orphanages / underprivileged centres through personal visits
  2. List the requirements in the four areas – Educare / Sociocare / Nutricare / Medicare
  3. Organise community-centric drives for collections
  4. Inspection and segregation of commodities
  5. Transport the collected-utilities to respective centres
  6. Close the loop with the donors and volunteers


  • Visit the organisation
  • Introduction and mutual understanding of synergy
  • Collect all relevant information
    • Name
    • Address
    • Website
    • Contact Details
    • Type of Organisation (Orphanage / Destitute home / Old age home etc.)

Requirements Gathering

  • Category of Requirement (Nutricare / Sociocare / Educare / Medicare)
  • Details
    • Number of beneficiaries
    • Age groups
    • Gender
  • Category specific details
  • Identify and check with logistics support for transportation from Gift Elves Office to the destination

* The next 3 steps do not apply only for Health camps under Medicare.

Collection Drive

  • Identify area / apartment for the collection drive
  • Identify volunteer from that apartment
  • Check for permissions and other formalities
  • Arrange for transportation to Gift Elves registered office, post pick-up
  • Prepare information / notification /email for the residents containing the following information
    • When – Dates for the collection
    • Where – Specific area within apartment (ex: clubhouse)
    • What is being collected with specifics
    • Dos and Donts, if any
    • Gift Elves Website and Logo
    • Contact numbers
  • Send the notification at least 10 days in advance (ensuring a weekend between notification and actual collection) with reminders on D-1, D-3 and D-5
  • Keep labelled carton boxes for collection
  • Check items being given and reject ones not meeting the requirements
  • Transport the collected items to Gift Elves office

Inspect, Segregate, Pack

  • Arrange for carton boxes – based on the items collected
  • Inspect and reject items not meeting the requirements
  • Reject any bulky items
  • Retain items which are useful but not meeting the current requirements
  • Pack items which pass the inspection, into the carton boxes
  • Number the carton boxes
  • Note the dimensions and weight of each carton box
  • Notify the logistics partner


  • Inform the beneficiary organisation
  • Follow-up for delivery
  • Confirm delivery
  • Get acknowledgement of the items
  • Request beneficiary organisation for pictures

Close the loop

  • Prepare project report with details
  • Send the experience summary with some pictures to donors and volunteers
  • Update website
  • Update projects master list along with beneficiary details
  • Category of health camp (ex: general, dental, eye etc.)
  • Identify venue for the health camp (based on category and number of people)
  • Check for sponsors
  • Identify team – Doctor(s), volunteers, equipment
  • Logistics to and from the camp location
  • Finalize the date of the camp
  • Notify the details and benefits to the target at least 3 to 4 days in advance
  • Conduct the camp on the specified date