
Choose your donation

  • Do's and Dont's
  • Donation
  • Billing Information


Clothes: Donate only washed and wearable clothes.
Utilities: Only usable things will be accepted.
Separate stationery, clothes, footwear in different bags .
Drop the material at the designated place only.
Leave your contact details like name, address, & email id, by putting a chit with material.
Respect the collection dates and timings.
Only individual contributions in small quantities can be accepted at these centers.


Stained, wet, or soiled material will not be accepted.
Don't give loose material.
Don't leave material at the door step. Drop them at the designated place.
Avoid giving numbers to drivers, as calls at odd timing can cause nuisance.
Don't panic if calls are not answered, volunteers may be unavailable for personal/official reason.
Don't expect volunteer to lift the material. No bulky material will be accepted.
Don't ask for pick up, no pick up facility is available.

Type of donation

Mode of payment