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One Small Step

April 5, 2017
Should you feed stray cats?
March 24, 2017
The journey begins
July 4, 2017

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step – Anonymous

Is exactly what we did. A small step. Tip toeing.

We had our fist community centric drive at Chaitanya Samarpan, Whitefield on the 4 th March, 2017. Kala visited 2 orphanages – Vishranthi at Malur, Hoskote and Thayimane at Sarjapur. With her in-depth interactions with the management and some quality time spent with the kids, Kala drew up the exact specifications to set up the libraries at both of these places.

Having spent considerable amount of time in the corporate sector, both of us are very much organized and process driven. Checklist prepared for the drive. Location, Information on notice board, a nice WhatsApp compatible pic to let the community know etc. etc. Ticked one by one – finalized the location for the collection, got the printouts (don’t want to spend on frivolous things you see), sent the info on WhatsApp. They required knowledge books, activity books and story books – in the preferred language English. And the kids for whom these books were need are 12 years and younger. The response was thunderous would actually be an understatement.

First off, the Clubhouse at the gated community were kind enough to give us the space for the collection. The next highlight was the collection itself. It was so heartening to see kids coming in droves to give their books. Their treasures if you will. They came along with their parents, were very curious to know the recipients too. When we showed them the pictures and told them the cause, they were so overwhelmed that they even told that what they will be giving during the next drive. It was a heartening sight to see their enthusiasm.

When we sat for the actual segregation of the books – age groups, category etc. we realized that all the books were in excellent condition. No wonder they were hesitant to part with their tinkles, Archie digests, interactive rhyme books etc. Infact kala and I were so tempted to just pick up some of the books and start reading them ourselves. But what we had not bargained for was the huge number of gender specific books that we got – Pink color Barbie and Princess books. We had to take that into account as well and put it in the pile of the orphanage having more girl kids.

On 9 th March, 2017, we went to both the orphanages and donated the books there. About 100 books each. The entire experience was very comforting. It also assured us that we have begun our small but significant journey.

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